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He came out “I know of a city by the lake” by Costa Hiohi (Struga fan chronicles)

Dear friends,
With special joy I announce that the alpha version of my monograph "I know about a city by the lake" has finally been published. (Struga fan chronicles). I hailed it as a kind of monument to the sports life in the city from the inception of the first sports clubs until today. , and seen and told by an ordinary Struga fan. It abounds with numerous well-known and little-known historical facts about ordinary fans, and for those formal (Karchovtsi and Patkari), through 45 interviews from fans of different generations , supported and embellished by numerous photographs (professional and amateur)
I have been working on it for the past three years and I hope I have achieved the goals I set at the beginning:
To forget the personal memories of my dear fellow citizens, to notice the success of perhaps the most successful sports city at one time and to constructively criticize the desperate situation in which the sport of Struga has been in recent years.
I thank all the helpers and collaborators.

I hope you like it, and if not, as Grunf of Alan Ford would say: Better to publish a book, than to betray a friend!
So what happens!