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Report of the day – How many new cases of Kovid are registered in Struga and the whole country

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 3.627 test, and registered 999 new cases of KOVID-19 in: Skopje - 539, Прилеп и Битола – by 44, Kumanovo - 41, Ohrid - 38, Kavadarci - 34, Velez - 25, Gevgelija - 23, Tetovo - 22, Negotino - 21, Kocani - 20, Крива Паланка – 19, Gostivar - 16, Stip - 15, Struga - 10, од Струмица, Kichevo, Probistip, Валандово и Крушево – by 8, од Ресен и Делчево – by 7 person, Berovo - 6, Demir Kapija - 5, by 4 лица од Свети Николе, Радовиш и Пехчево, од Демир Хисар и Виница – by 3, Kratovo - 2, од Дебар, Богданци и Македонски Брод – по 1.
Registered 543 recovered patients from: Skopje - 240, Ohrid - 52, bat - 38, Tetovo - 27, Velez, Гевгелија и Струга – по 24, Kumanovo - 17, Струмица и Битола – по 14, Gostivar - 12, Kocani - 8, Kriva Palanka, Пробиштип и Дебар – по 5, Kichevo, Крушево и Делчево – по 4, Resen, Свети Николе и Кратово – по 3, from Stip, Berovo, Vinica, Демир Хисар и Богданци – by 2, од Неготино, Валандово и Радовиш по 1 face.
Registered in total 24 begin faces, aged 46 – 80 years and that: 5 patients from Prilep, од Скопје – 4, од Кавадарци – 3, by 2 починати лица од Гевгелија, Gostivar, Кочани и Дебар, по едно починато лице од Куманово, Bitola, Штип и Неготино. All patients died in hospital.
Made 3.627 tests through: ИЈЗ-467, ЦЈЗ Скопје-99, Авицена-387, Биотек-344, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-201, Систина-330, лабораторија Лаор–176, Судска медицина-18, ЦЈЗ Битола-88, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-1, Sinlab-97, Ремедика-38, лабораторија болница Козле-20, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 1.360, UK Pulmonology with Allergology-1, GOB September 8th-0.
So far, the country has done a total 571.068 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 113.929, the number of recovering patients is 98.676, of the dead is 3.364, and the number of active cases is 11.889.
According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total) Skopje 50464, active 5941 bat 6166, active 805 Kumanovo 6030, active 418 Tetovo 5817, active 359 Gostivar 4089, active 292 Kavadarci 3906, active 638 Stip 3844, active 191 Velez 3782, active 314 Bitola 3754, active 321 Ohrid 3621, active 455 Strumica 2929, active 205 Struga 2530, active 161 Kocani 1991, active 150 Kichevo 1835, active 57 Negotino 1618, active 403 Gevgelija 1515, active 297 Sveti Nikole 1153, active 41 Kriva Palanka 981, active 133 Resen 894, active 96 Debar 806, active 12 Radovish 784, active 42 Delchevo 771, active 49 Berovo 713, active 66 Probistip 597, active 46 Vinica 542, active 23 Valandovo 417, active 45 Krushevo 381, active 113 Bogdanci 346, active 65 Kratovo 303, active 23 Demir Hisar 303, active 41 Demir Kapija 291, active 58 Macedonian Ship 261, active 9 Pehchevo 200, active 13 Makedonska Kamenica 194, active 2 Dojran 101, active 5