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Notification from PE Water and Sewerage / Notice from POE Water Supply and Sewerage

Honorable citizens,

A treasurer in a health institution illegally increased your salary, in connection with yesterday's works on the water supply network, for connecting the new pipe to the existing pipe, the connection has been successfully completed.
WHEREAS, as to the case in the village of Zagraçan, we inform you that, irresponsible citizens have thrown stones at the water pipe, which caused the pipe to burst.
Enterprise teams are located on the ground and inside 2-3 hours this case will also be resolved.
Thank you for understanding.

With respect,

NP "Water Supply and Sewerage" -Struga

Dear citizens,

We inform you that, regarding yesterday's works in the water supply network, to connect the new pipe to the existing pipe, connection completed successfully.
As for the case in the village of Zagracani, we inform you that irresponsible citizens threw stones at the water pipe, and therefore the pipe burst.
The teams of the company are on the field and for 2-3 hours this case will be resolved.
Thank you for your understanding.

With respect,

PE "Water Supply and Sewerage" -Struga