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A new case with Kovid19 in Struga / Unfortunately, one died 61 annual man

The Ministry of Health informs that today the Institute of Public Health registers 45 recovered patients in: Skopje-19, Kumanovo-25, Prilep-1.

At the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions today for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic, in 24 o'clock, there is no admission of new patients, positive or suspected cobweb-19. One patient died at this clinic, 61 annual from Struga, with multiple comorbidities and severe disease, hospitalized by 24 April, and they are written 8. They are currently hospitalized 39 patients, from them 20 more severely ill and on oxygen support and 1 critically ill patient on mechanical ventilation.

in the past 24 h is made 199 test, and are confirmed 15 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje-2, Kumanovo-7, Prilep-4, Tetovo-1, Struga-1.
Jean Mitrev's laboratory submitted a letter of correction to the IPH for positive results 3 person (2 from Skopje and 1 from Bitola) reported on 24 April. The three are actually negative, and the cause of the error is most likely contamination of the material. The three people in the laboratory in Jean Mitrev immediately, on 25 April, made a control test of the original material, but also on a new swab after which negative results are obtained, and the same persons have been tested through the IPH and those results are negative.

According to this, the total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country is 1506, the number of recovering patients is 852 , of the dead is 82, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 572. The latest distribution by cities is as follows:
• Skopje - 509
. Kumanovo – 400
Бар Debar - 51
. Stip-34
Леп Prilep –157
 Tetovo - 85
 Struga - 67
 Veles - 77
 Bitola –19
 Ohrid –15
. Kavadarci - 5
. Gostivar –17
 Gevgelija - 4
 Strumica - 2
. Kriva Palanka-5
 Radovish – 4
Ру Krushevo - 3
 Kocani - 31
Би Probistip - 2
 Kicevo - 2
 Negotino -9 (*7 PE Negotino residents are residents of Demir Kapija)
 Demir Hisar - 1
 Makedonski Brod -2
. Pehchevo- 2
. Delchevo-1
. Valandovo -1
 Vinica – 2

The 199 tests performed are through: IJZ –179, Veterinary f-thet -0, Avicenna -0, Biotech -0, Philip II (Jean Mitrev) –0, Sistina with PCR method – 10 and MANU -10. So far, the country has done a total 16997 tests for the acid -19.

In the past 24 hours in the CGH "September 8" were received 9 new patients, and totally hospitalized 29. The respiratory machine is 4 patients, and three others have a more severe clinical picture.

They are being treated at the hospital in Bitola 4 patients, and home treatment is followed 3. They are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 2 patients, and more 4 are monitored for home treatment. At the effective departments in Prilep, Velez, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Gostivar and Tetovo are hospitalized in total 47 positive and respectful of covid-19.