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"State roads" withdrew 50 million euros for the Kicevo-Ohrid highway

The state will withdraw new ones 50 million euros from the Chinese Exim Bank, for the continuation of the works on the Kicevo-Ohrid highway. This is foreseen by the annual program for 2024, of the Public Enterprise State Roads.

"The planned funds in the JPDP program for 2024 year are funds from the already secured loan from Exim Bank for the construction of the Kicevo-Ohrid highway, which must be provided for in the program so that they can be withdrawn from the account", say the JPDP.

From there they say that the negotiations with the contractor for the conclusion of an annex to the contract for the extension of the performance period are still ongoing.. With that, how many more years will the Kicevo highway be built?- Ohrid, no one says after the deadline until 31 December 2023 was breached. The government at the session of 28 December made a decision, The Chinese should continue building the highway.

"The decision was made after receiving information from the Public Enterprise for State Roads, based on submitted findings from main surveillance and tunnel surveillance, that for real reasons, there is a need to extend the deadline, 31 December 2023 year, for the performance of construction works on this highway, and at the same time taking into account the fact of the high level of physical work performed so far and resolved open issues. The initial project for the Kichevo - Ohrid highway, as assessed, it had numerous design flaws, but to a large extent they have been overcome and the conditions for its completion are continuously being created", said the Government.

In the meantime, citizens continue to drive on an unsafe and inadequately marked road.

"We are unsafe just by exiting this highway. The signaling itself, both horizontal and vertical, has little effect on traffic safety", Ljupco Milkoski said, security expert.
From the beginning of construction until today, there were even 105 more serious traffic accidents, in which they died 22 person, a 128 they suffered serious injuries. The highway is long 57 kilometers and began to be built in 2014 year.

By Miki Trajkovski – ALSAT