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They are registered today 1.216 new cases of Kovid 19 - The total number of diagnosed is 116.438 – Healed 111 patients - They are dead 15 person

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 3.761 test, and registered 1.216 new cases of KOVID-19 in: Skopje - 624, bat - 80, Bitola – 50, Velez - 46, Kumanovo - 43, Tetovo - 40, Kavadarci -36, Kocani - 32, Ohrid - 30, Negotino - 23, Strumica - 22, Stip - 21, Gevgelija - 20, Valandovo - 16, Gostivar and Berovo - after 14, Demir Kapija - 13, Resen - 12, Probistip and Krushevo - after 9, Sveti Nikole - 8, Struga, Radovish and Delchevo - after 7, Vinica - 5, Kichevo, Kriva Palanka, Bogdanci and Pehchevo - after 4, Kratovo and Demir Hisar - po 3, Debar and Makedonski Brod - after 2, Makedonska Kamenica and Dojran - after 1.
Registered 111 recovered patients from: Kavadarci - 55, Negotino - 39, Skopje - 8, Demir Kapija - 5, Kocani - 2, Tetovo and Vinica - after 1.
Registered in total 15 begin faces, aged 53– 94 years and that: 6 patients from Skopje, two dead people from Prilep, Tetovo and Kocani, and on 1 deceased person from Kumanovo, Bitola and Krushevo. 14 patients have died in hospital, and one at home.
Made 3.761 tests through: IJZ-732, CJZ Skopje-136, Avicenna-345, Biotech-407, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-152, Sistina -303, Laor-202 laboratory, Forensic Medicine-17, CJZ Bitola-80, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-8, Sinlab-78, Remedika-39, laboratory of Kozle-15 Hospital, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 1.246, UK Pulmonology with Allergology-1, GOB September 8th-0.
So far, the country has done a total 578.923 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 116.438, the number of recovering patients is 99.126, of the dead is 3.403, and the number of active cases is 13.909.
According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows: Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total) Skopje 51714, active 6943 bat 6334, active 944 Kumanovo 6101, active 479 Tetovo 5903, active 433 Gostivar 4151, active 347 Kavadarci 3990, active 665 Stip 3906, active 249 Velez 3888, active 411 Bitola 3852, active 413 Ohrid 3685, active 518 Strumica 2984, active 254 Struga 2545, active 176 Kocani 2046, active 198 Kichevo 1849, active 68 Negotino 1677, active 421 Gevgelija 1552, active 320 Sveti Nikole 1164, active 51 Kriva Palanka 993, active 140 Resen 911, active 112 Debar 809, active 15 Radovish 809, active 65 Delchevo 787, active 65 Berovo 735, active 84 Probistip 618, active 65 Vinica 548, active 26 Valandovo 444, active 72 Krushevo 396, active 127 Bogdanci 354, active 67 Kratovo 306, active 25 Demir Hisar 306, active 41 Demir Kapija 315, active 77 Macedonian Ship 263, active 11 Pehchevo 205, active 17 Makedonska Kamenica 195, active 3 Dojran 103, active 7