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Ashtalkoski them back to those who have criticized!

Reaction personal roll calls from unknown portals!

Without intending to argue with internet portals that neither know, nor to know Editor, and according to the information I received they were edited by some "professors", I just want to respond to what I have been personally prose Vasco Ashtalkoski that should respond.
Let row:

  1. For cleaning of the fringes in the riverbed Black Drin

Short and clear. This is the responsibility of the Municipality of Struga to the place called "Daljan". ESM and subsidiary hes Black Drin as a company that is socially responsible it does every year, and I believe that will make this year. Not to be immodest, I'm sure the ESM plan to make many more by the end of the year in aid of Struga.

  1. For nurseries in Struga

The municipality is responsible to take care of objects in its possession. Caring for garden should certainly be a priority. Here and here help. Let them prepare municipal construction projects, and then we can discuss my help from anyone who knows how to their reconstruction. then, besides taking care of "urbanization" and individual buildings that o. Struga devotes special attention, can devote some attention and kindergartens as public interest.

  1. Pool in Struga

If anything I would do as a citizen of o. Struga, pool that was closed. I do not intend to explain it beyond. Only share information: Thanks to the government, Agency for Youth and Sport and cooperation of O. Struga, I'm sure this will be started soon. AND, thanks to the Ministry of educated two halls are under construction. One of the. Labunishta is nearing, and the other in school Niko Nestor began to be built this spring.

  1. Financial assistance Struga received from the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia clearing old debts is 262.203.073 denars or 4 million 264 thousand. Requires comment?
  2. Road reconstruction Podmolje - Radožda was funded by the Agency for State Roads and of interest to Struga.
  3. Collector system is taken by the hand of the state in the formation of national PE collector?
  4. Approved reconstruction of local roads in three villages of Agency programs fine. supporting agriculture and rural development, ie as long as O. Struga had prepared. Otherwise, there was a lot more prepared municipalities that received more support.

Inquiry: What more than this need to help, to start Struga work what is working? I remain an opponent of bad decisions in the city and I'm always here to support good for our city. Criticism is useful for Smartphones!